
the anarcho-communist multi-national corporation.

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The struggle for justice in the world, and theories of social organization/power have historically focused on the acquisition or exercise of national power. The recent rise of the power of capital and specifically the movement known as globalization or neo-liberalism has begun to take shape in a manner aimed at rendering irrelevant these traditional tools of power.

AnarCorp attempts to address this shift of power by providing a structure which both opposes these changes, as well as taking advantage of the weaknesses inherent in this shift. The practical implementation of this empowers individuals and small communities within the shell of the legal fiction of the multi-national corporation.


Definition of Principle

The corporation and its collectives will not participate in, develop structures of, or benefit from, oppression to the extent possible while still interfacing with a capitalist culture/economy.

Consequences of Principle

AnarCorp uses an egalitarian structure for its internal operations. All workers have consensus -(n+n) voting power in their local collectives, and all non-apprentice workers have consensus -(n+n) voting power on the corporate board. The merging of money-labor and domestic-labor into the work of the collective, and shared responsibility and involvement in the care and support of dependants within the collective, also contribute to the maintainance of non-oppressive structure.

likewise, we do not participate in the oppression of non-human animals through domestication, production of animal products or profiteering in any industry which does so. On the basis that oppression is a learned behavior which can not be separated into us and them any more truly along species lines than along race lines, the de-conditioning of oppression must extend to all animal life.

Anarcorp practices non-violence and non-acceptance of violence. Collectives do not utilize criminal court systems for the settling of disputes and they have a system for proactively, forcefully and non-violently countering oppression both in their controlled space and in their local community. All collective members study some form of martial art and participate in regular group violence prevention training/practice to both manage crisis and post-crisis situations.

Due to the fundamentally oppressive nature of addiction and addiction economies, drugs including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and caffeine are not produced, consumed or traded in by collectives. The structure of addiction economy may at some point in the future cease to be an issue. This possibility is considered to be sufficiently distant in the future to make the practical generalization acceptable and necessary for the maintenance of the non-oppressive principle. The collectives provide full rehabilitation support to member addicts as part of their health care benefits.

Practical Considerations

AnarCorp is not explicitly non/anti-speciesist, it is functionally so in most cases, but not on principle. Hunting in the wild would not necessarily infringe upon non-oppression. While the responsible need-based gleaning of wild animal populations would not be oppressive it would not likely meet the criteria of full human population sustainability.

Syndicalist Collectivism

Definition of Principle

AnarCorp is broken into small 4-40 person collectives who self manage in cooperation with other collectives and who work on a specific set of tasks, which correlate to the facilities they maintain. These groups are not static, they are based on locality and work associated with facilities. Workers in AnarCorp have the option, and the responsibility, to move between and found new collectives, when there is a need for their services, their collective grows too large or they want to move for personal growth/interest.

Consequences of Principle

This creates manageable work groups and levels out any hierarchical structures that might otherwise form when a group grows too large or old. This also provides a reasonably high level of worker control and allows all internal checking and administration to be parceled out to unconnected groups and persons to reduce the factors of favoritism.

The collectives and AnarCorp as a whole will function using egalitarian democratic process: consensus -(n+n). AnarCorp provides the infrastructure necessary to run the entire corporation using a direct democracy system, where every non-apprentice member would have a direct modified consensus vote on all actions of the AnarCorp shell. This necessitates specific delineation of power to the collectives from the corporation so as not to allow the abuse of centralized power.

Practical Considerations

People may wish to seek a sense of place and security by remaining with a single collective for a long period of time. This desire for place can be fulfilled through the creation of large multi-collective communities which will both be able to provide for a home, as well as allow for the movement required to maintain a non-stagnate organizational atmosphere. Large communities can further improve standard of living by maintaining more widely socialized resources, as well as allowing for the production of most or all consumables on site, through agricultural and production collectives.

Non-monetary Internal Economy

Definition of Principle

In order to avoid the formation of a capitalist corporation it is necessary to address the manner in which we structure our internal economy so that it does not reinforce capitalist ideals. AnarCorp does this by having the workers receive services, not currency, for their labor. Services are provided as a direct result of the work of the workers. What can be reasonably provided without monetary exchange is performed in house.

Consequences of Principle

AnarCorp creates work/live collectives for the distribution of services in an equitable manner to the workers. This allows for a more efficient use of resources, resulting in a substantially higher standard of living than could be provided through individual currency acquisition.

The level of lateral integration necessary to carry out the providing of all necessary services results in an extremely varied work load for the collective. Under traditional capitalist theory this is inefficient, but we disagree. The argument against exclusive specialization is well covered by the theory of par-econ. We will Go farther and claim that due to the management and hierarchy it necessitates that specialization, while potentially profitable, is actually inefficient.

Practical Considerations

The absence of monitary compensation will necessitate that AnarCorp recruits people who are either ideologically predisposed to communism, or who are, due to economic status, likely to take the services as significant improvements on their present situation. The potential absorbing of the under-class is not problematic. It would be exceptionally effective, from a political standpoint, to employ the un/under-employed.

It may be legally necessary, or economically beneficial, to pay the workers a small sum, perhaps $100.00 per month. This is to be kept so low as to guarantee that the collective members are exempt form income taxes and that they are technically below the poverty line in their country of residence.

Economic Fairness

Definition of Principle

AnarCorp collectives do not undercut the market price for comparable services. Collectives also refrain from lending and borrowing funds and do not benefit from structures of usury. Some technological systems may be leased on a cost of production/ maintenance basis if the scheme involves recycling/ replacing the devices at technologically relevant intervals, such as Fuller's ideal of recyclable housing .

Consequences of Principle

Higher cash income rate due to lack of cash costs, for the collectives provide the resources necessary for Research and Development as well as to fund the rather considerable exponential expansion required every year by apprenticeship expansion. The non-monetary and growth aspects of AnarCorp see to the consumption of this cash in the acquisition of land and facilities.

It is our intention to avoid the use of AnarCorp as scab labor, with capitalists simply outsourcing work to us and laying-off union worker etc. Since AnarCorp takes fair market price for domestically produced goods and services we should pose no threat to workers trapped in the bowels of capitalism.

AnarCorp does not trade on the international currency market, currency is kept in its country of origin and only moved out in mass to create beach head collectives in countries in which collectives do not yet exist. While redistribution is sometimes necessary, it is kept to a bare minimum and focuses on the moving of people and facilities, not currency.

Practical Considerations

In technological lease systems, no market exists to undercut, so AnarCorp assesses cost based on the cost of union labor for production and maintenance.

AnarCorp's involvement in the market will at some point contribute to market saturation and the reduction of prices. As this is a fixture and weakness of the capitalist system, AnarCorp will not seek to counter or make up for this shift, but will allow capitalism to break.

Fair price is calculated as lowest market price + 1/3 of the difference between highest and lowest market prices.

Socially Engineered Living

Definition of Principle

The collectives live and develop ways of living which address the structures of oppression implicate in existing social structures.

Consequences of Principle

Life in an AnarCorp collective is not made to make people feel comfortable in their transition from a non-designed society. AnarCorp works to make its members feel empowered, responsible and non-threatened in every conceivable way. AnarCorp creates environments and society which encourage people to grow and to learn to feel comfortable in non-customary and collective benefit as opposed to personal benefit structures.

AnarCorp denies the validity of oppression through cultural relativism. AnarCorp seeks to create a cultural context which is just and appropriate for everyone. AnarCorp does not wish to de-ethnize people. The acceptance of ethnic expression and identity are necessary for the formation of a non-racist/classist society.

The structures of AnarCorp are not designed to meet desires, they are designed to meet specific, defined, political criteria. Since AnarCorp is not a country and nobody is required to participate or become a member of the corporation they have the democratic right not to join.

Duel Function Collectives

Definition of Principle

Each collective will be required to carry out two highly divergent kinds of work, such as architectural design and farming. Both will add to the lateral integration of the collective and prevent a large degree of stagnation which results from single-minded pursuit of a single task. One criteria of the divergence must be physical vs. conceptual production.

Consequences of Principle

The need for restaurants to also design clothes and such, will also result in a more general understanding in the minds of the workers of the diversity and scope of AnarCorp work. This is designed to help the worker population better deal with a wide diversity of work and also to avoid brain work/body work splits which contribute to the formation of both formal and informal hierarchy.

Apprenticeship Expansion

Definition of Principle

Each worker who either enters an AnarCorp collective properly skilled or has acquired sufficient skill has the responsibility to take an apprentice who is both of a different sex and of an oppressively significant different ethnic origin. The criteria for other-ness can expand as the AnarCorp grows and shows its tendencies of exclusion. All apprenticeship criteria are based on difference, not on labeling people as oppressed or empowered. The criteria are designed to avoid a hand-up system, as such systems are highly patronizing and contribute to racism in a manner non-conducive to the creation of an anti-racist society/work environment. The goal is extremely high diversity along all lines in an attempt to create a structure without a standing majority of any class/race/sex group.

Consequences of Principle

This results in exponential corporate growth, every year the worker population must double to keep this criteria met. This is in line with our political objective, but the time may not be sufficient for people to fully aclimate to the engenered culture. However, in an intensive, full life immersion project, much is un/learned in a year.

AnarCorp is based on the assumption that some reasonably short time period - a year, perhaps two, is sufficient to retrain and reorient people to function within and propigate the ideals of AnarCorp

Practical Considerations

The method of selecting apprentices involves a random shuffling of applicants and interviews, etc by random members of collectives local to the applicants. If this fails, or applicants are lacking, the apprentice seeking members, both teacher and his/her previous apprentice, will be allocated the task of finding apprentices in lieu of any skilled work, thereby forbidding members to utilize their skills unless they are in compliance with the apprenticeship principle.

For the application of this principle, trans-male and trans-female are counted as oppressively distinct sexes from bio-male and bio-female. This is not a statement on the validity of apprentices sexual identity, it is simply an expedient for the application of this principle, to help counter sex identity marginalization. Sexual orientation is not part of the issue. The sex difference criteria is interested in the identity of the apprentice, not in their sexual preferences.

Random Scheduling

Definition of Principle

Each member of a collective is scheduled work, at random, by a computer. The scheduling program is part of corporate procedure, and is used to schedule everybody regardless of skills and knowledge. The work to be done, and their priority, is set by the collective members at their regular meetings. Once the work to be done is decided, the workers are assigned work without prejudice. This requires further that if a worker does not know how to perform a task that the computer is able to dynamically schedule someone to train them.

Consequences of Principle

The system of dynamic rescheduling allows for unforeseen circumstances and work to be quickly integrated. Since nobody selects their workload, their reassignment is of little or no personal affront. The dynamic scheduling aspect also allows for people to, in many cases, pick there own hours, when work that is of high priority at the time is assigned to whom ever is clocked in at the moment.

This is a non-conflict, more balanced implementation of balanced job complex from par-econ, removing the capitalist aspects of the system and focusing on creating non-hierarchy by the avoidance of stagnate structure, while still maintaining a strict, traceable and practicable system of work delegation.

The scheduling of each collective also includes a subset of work that is intra-corporate, and can be performed by any member of the corporation, regardless of location or collective affiliation. This allows for the existence and maintenance of inter-collective accounting and structure, without maintaining a management body to deal with the integration.

This scheduling structure works for the scheduling of collective resources for work as well as personal use, thereby allowing for the more seamless sharing of collective property.

It is necessary to control access to shared resources and not permit their use for work when not scheduled. This is to prevent people from burning the candle at both ends, as well as making sure that work is really being scheduled through the random system. This is not intended to limit the use of resources during non-work periods, only to control them to the extent that work can not be reasonably performed off the clock. Off the clock activity would significantly undermine the egalitarian benefit of the scheduling system, and would create inaccuracies and discrepancies in the scheduling database, as it diverges from the unaccounted reality.

Practical Considerations

It is arguable that being unthinkingly scheduled is a bad idea. The reality of the structure puts much more power in the hands of the collective members then may be apparent. The collective members will set the work to be done, its priority, the size of each work block, and any other factors necessary for its effective completion, such as use of limited facilities. The fact that the collective does not know, at the time, who will be performing the task makes it very unlikely that any prejudice will be shown in this process. This will create a much more balanced, reasonable, and therefore more enjoyable and just work experience for the entire collective.

This structure, beyond necessitating a more general awareness of the operations of the collective, also creates a tool for work and production assessment. Since nobody looks after any particular thing, each act, routine or crisis, must be entered into the work database, and then scheduled. This system provides the collective with precise, accurate information about the work that has been done and the time and resources consumed to perform these tasks, allowing for more effective planning of work priorities and production in the future.


Definition of Principle

AnarCorp exists not to give people a way out of dealing with capitalism, but a tool to empower them to work against capitalism without the conflict of being dependant on that system for their food and shelter. AnarCorp, while not activist as an organization, exist for the use of activists. AnarCorp aids, in all manners not contrary to the corporations capacity to provide its members with basic services, the anti-capitalist and other pro-justice activist projects of its members.

Consequences of Principle

AnarCorp supplies services with preference for involvement in leftist political activities. All AnarCorp resources are scheduled for the preference of their use for such activities, when not in use for AnarCorp labor, with personal non-activist use as third priority.

AnarCorp spaces which are convenient to the use of activist gatherings and organizing meetings are made available for this purpose, when this neither interferes with work or necessary functions of the member services.

Practical Considerations

AnarCorp supports concrete action, and propaganda. AnarCorp members are not encouraged to become weekend activists or activism tourists, nor are they encouraged to get arrested or otherwise harmed to make a point, the response of the state is considered as a risk by AnarCorp, not as a tool for symbolic action.

Earth Population Sustainability

Definition of Principle

The collectives, both in their internal economies and in the services they provide are to design and select options which are practicable and energetically feasible for a stable world human population of approximately ten billion.

Consequences of Principle

A number of significant consequences of this principle restrict personal freedom. Not having these rules necessarily restricts the personal freedom of others, and is therefore less free than the alternative.

Some of these consequences are:

: Animal economies are ten times more energetically costly than their plant alternatives.

: The maintenance of parallel private space for all people, which is vacant the majority of the time, is infeasible for a large population. Collectives maintain spaces which people may use for privacy, but which are not the property of any individual.

: The energetic cost of heavier than air flight is monstrous. Other means of transportation are to be used. There may be an exception for extra planetary or orbital flight, but the whole earth population criteria must still be met.

: Each collective will go to the extra trouble of maintaining/developing/acquiring systems of high-energy efficiency. If the area where the collective lives has a mass transit system, but AnarCorp has a more efficient vehicle design, the collective would be expected to use this vehicle. Otherwise, the collective should provide an analysis of why, in their particular instance, the mass transit is still more energetically efficient (such as they would require two dozen of these cars running all day to perform their collective duties).

Practical Considerations

This principle is designed to discourage the formation of a privileged corporate class, which has more than others are able. It also serves to focus development and resources to address the world human population problem, which is a necessary aspect of a struggle for sustainable justice.

Freedom of Information

Definition of Principle

The collectives, in their non-physical work, will produce information and systems which will be fully public, patented if necessary, and made available under the GPL or FDL. This applies to all text, all data, all designs and all computer source code. The collectives further maintain a system of information distribution, mostly through the use of the internet and digital publication of CDs and the maintenance of public digital libraries where these services are not widely available.

Consequences of Principle

AnarCorp does not maintain, trade in, or seek information security. This freedom of information does not weaken AnarCorp because it is neither publicly traded nor interested in profiteering through monopolization. The distribution, through GPL, of all information allows all AnarCorp collectives access to all the intellectual production of other collectives, and may contribute to our objectives by undermining the existing information economy if AnarCorp designs attract enough positive attention.

Practical Considerations

AnarCorp may do some questionably legal things with trade or secret information. The risk needs to be assessed and legal defense needs to be constructed.

Free Education

Definition of Principle

Each collective assesses the educational power imbalance in their local area and determines what is necessary to make basic literacy and math/logic training available to the population (nearest 100 residents). If it is feasible to have the remainder of this need met by the collective, they provide this service. If it is not feasible the collective does what is necessary to provide training to twice the number of people they will need to recruit each year. If this is still not feasible the collective does what it has the means to do and makes a proposal to the corporation of a solution which AnarCorp has means to implement.

Consequences of Principle

Offices working in countries and areas with poor public education systems have a higher educational workload. This may entice these collectives to make this one of their dual functions, and this is encouraged. This meets our political goals of leveling educational disparity. The extent to which it may be constraining to operations in the global south may have to be balanced through large scale redistribution of resources.

Practical Considerations

AnarCorp acknowledges that even with the no-skill-required apprenticeship structure the imbalance of basic prerequisite skills such as literacy is still sufficient to keep a large section of the world population out of the loop.

As with other AnarCorp projects, the education provided through AnarCorp will focus on collective non-competative mutual aid methods of learning, and seeks to provide students with practical skills instead of "testable" skills.

AnarCorp provides the infrastructure for the collectives to provide educational services to its young dependants, which in some situations may be necessary, and is in most cases preferable to subjecting them to state education


Definition of Principle

AnarCorp actively expands internationally, and does not clump its collectives or other resources into any nation, region or continent. AnarCorp will not form multi-collective communities until it has collectives on every continent and in at least a dozen nations.

Consequences of Principle

AnarCorp avoids ethnic and cultural hemogony by spreading the exponential growth model throughout the globe to avoid the normalization which would occour if this were a north-american, "first-world" or eurocentric experiment.

Major Practical Considerations

The construction of a designed society traditionally results in the formation of an old-guard/founder class. We mitigate this by asserting that the use of any claim of founding authority is a clearly offensive and oppressive act. The collectives will treat this offense as such, thereby keeping the founders or other would be power seekers in line.

The formation of the first collective will most likely begin with a group of mostly white male skilled persons and a group of mostly women of color apprentices. This needs to be watched with the utmost diligence to make sure that it does not fall into a standard oppressive model rut. It will be necessary to be very selective with the primary group and make sure the skilled set are particularly conscious of oppression and that the apprentices are very strong, both politically and socially. It may be necessary to create temporary structures of greater empowerment for the apprentices. After one year, this problem will be mitigated when new apprentices are chosen and the sex/ethnicity diversity of both apprentices and skilled workers is balanced.

By maintaining a non-hierarchical structure, those who wish to do corporate ladder climbing will find AnarCorp unappealing, and therefore save us the trouble of having to purge them. The level of between-collective accounting will have to be adjusted and watched such that members are all reasonably certain that nothing unseamly is going on.

Where there is power, and where there are openly leftist organizations, there are saboteurs and infiltrators, so it is necessary to consider purging in the creation of such a structure. The randomly allocated collective to collective checking will hopefully illuminate, or at least dissuade much tampering. The random work realocation system will make it much more difficult to hide any dishonest activity. If a whole collective goes bad AnarCorp needs the means, through corporate wide modified consensus to remove the corporate charter and resources from a broken collective.


In each collective, with all domestic and economic labor included in the collective workload each collective member works 48 hours a week. This is enforced strictly to avoid power imbalance due to greater contribution. The random scheduling system makes this easy to accomplish. The distribution of these hours throughout the week needs to be considered by each collective in relation to the functions they undertake. In most cases it is feasible to have a lot of flexibility in worker schedules , but many cases, such as the running of a store-front service, require a more strict and balanced scheduling of worker hours.

This leaves an effective five days per week of non-work (even domestic sphere work) a bit more than two of which will be spent sleeping. If we count the remainder of the third sleep day for bathing, traveling and meals then each collective member has two full waking hour days of unallocated time. This is an improvement over the amount of true unused time in a wage based system, where much unpaid time is spent making paid time possible (commute, off clock work, housework).

Basic Benefits

Each member of each collective is granted the same basic benefits as salary for their labor. These benefits are standardized throughout AnarCorp to make sure that all workers receive a just benefit package and to assure that no collective is taking advantage of a fortuitous situation to give themselves better benifits than other collectives can maintain.


Each resident is allocated a place in collective sleeping space. This is either in a barrics style setting, or in small shared rooms. The space for sleeping is minimized as living, working, and private space are provided through other means then the traditional private bedroom scheme. Enclosure of sleeping space is provided to those who feel uncomfortable sharing sleeping space, but no additional space is allocated to the resident for this purpose.

Each collective house maintains a number of private spaces which collective residents may schedule through the computerized scheduling system and which should be sufficient to meet the needs of the residents for privacy. The use of these spaces for privacy, quite space, writing, reading, sex, meditation etc. instead of their use as personal space is intended to result in the greater utilization of collective space and resources instead of each resident wanting to retreat into their own space. It is intended that this space, while necessary for the healthy functioning of a high density living environment will not be used in preference to spending more time and energy building a strong social community. AnarCorp will provide no more then 1/4 the resident population in privacy rooms.


Each collective runs a collective vegan kitchen, which provides group meals at agreed upon times and is accessible for off-schedule cooking. The organization of the kitchen and food preparation makes sure that palatable, nutritious food is always available and that nobody not scheduled to work the kitchen should ever have to do more then serve themselves from a refrigerator or pantry.

Health Care

Each collective provides intensive preventative health care to each of its residents. This takes the form of having skilled AnarCorp health councillors in each collective, and having collectives which provide health care services as one of their functions and are able to send specialists and health care personnel to other collectives at need.

AnarCorp health care focuses on the prevention of illness and injury. The prescription of medications and pain killers is avoided whenever possible through the regular maintenance of a healthy diet and non-sedentary lifestyle. AnarCorp also focuses on the care of stress and over work which may seasonally occur despite our low stress high empowerment and worker controlled environment.

Collectives minimize the effects of health crisis by having each member highly involved in the maintenance of their own health, instead of acting as a passive consumer of medications as is the standard capitalist model. Each member is regularly work scheduled and given work credit for seeing health consultants. Each collective member is trained to provide emergency medical assistance when it become necessary.

AnarCorp, in addition to providing counseling and other preventative services, maintains a health care slush fund to cover cost associated with catastrophic health crisis out of the scope of the internal system.

The administration of the slush fund has to seriously address what services are admissible, as offices in many countries may find that the services which are standard in the US are not available, at any price due to the low level of medical technology. AnarCorp also needs to address the extent to which the act of providing industrial medical care to its members is a violation of the human population sustainability principle. Collective members can elect not to receive industrial medical care as either a personal or group ethical choice, thereby making the slush fund, to some extent, unnecessary.

Parental leave

Individuals who are pregnant have the option to receive a reduced work load during the third trimester, have their fetus designated as their dependant, and are provided additional health care attention as is appropriate to the maintainance of their health and the health of their child.

During the first six (6) months after a child is born the child-bearing parent is allocated the care of the child as the bulk of their workload. other members of the collective are allocated time to care for the new child to make sure that the child has 24 hour attention, and that the child-bearing parent does not get over-worked on child care.

The child-bearing parent, especially if nursing, will want or need to take more then 48 hours a week to care for the child. This is mitigated by having other collective members work as child care assistants, not leaving the child-bearer to watch the child alone for an excess of 40 hours a week.

The non-child-bearing parent is not be allocated additional resources or leave on that grounds that dependent care is already considered in collective structure. The level of a collective members workload, in addition to the support of a local community and the work/live structure provide the opportunity for all collective members to be involved in the pregnancy and care of the new child.


Each member of a collective is encouraged to learn new skills, mostly on their work time, and additionally if they so choose. If a collective member wishes to learn a skill for which the collective can not provide training AnarCorp pays whatever reasonable price is required to get the needed training from outside. Any collective member receiving outside training is responsible to train other members of the collective, or of other collectives who wished also to learn the skill. Optimally AnarCorp should be able to meet any educational need through internal transfer and training. A collective member who is providing training is always on the clock even if the training is not delegated as labor.

AnarCorp does not pay for certification, only functional training, if training can be gained through a non credentialing source for less AnarCorp will not opt to pay more for a piece of paper.

Information Technology

The maintenance of the random scheduling system and the interconnectivity with the larger corporation requires that each collective maintain at least a few computer systems with at least daly network connectivity. These systems are made available for the utilization of the collective population when not scheduled for work, allowing them to acquire information and correspond over the net as well as having access to a large library of educational/ training software.

The collectives explicitly do not provide, or allow misinformation technology such as a standard television or radio. If feasible AnarCorp provides access to alternative media outlets, and provide audio/video facilities for the playing of critical/artistic media productions. The collectives avoiding brain-wash or misinformative propaganda even if it's on our side. The production of balanced critical political analysis in print, audio and video is an appropriate function of a collective.

Durable Consumables

Each collective member is provided clothing, writing materials, books, personal care items, transportation and any other services or goods required for basic living. These goods are ideally produced by AnarCorp collectives. The design, or acquisition of these goods is based largely on the principle of sustainability and requires that the goods be very durable and easy to maintain. Many of these things are allocated to particular members for use for utilitarian reasons, such as clothing size, but are maintained, replaced and accounted for as collective property.

This does not necessarily result in uniformity of clothing or personal effects, it is not any more efficient to have everything look the same as long as everything is washable and maintainable in a similar manner.

Dependent Care

Each collective is allocate two times the resources necessary to maintain the collective members for all living services, the extra half of these resources will be allocated to dependents of collective members living in the collective.

Each collective member is allocated a dependent for whom they are the primary caregiver. If one has multiple dependents she is allocated one of her own. If one has no dependents he is allocated the dependent of another. Each collective member is expected to be involved in the support and care of every dependent, but are allocated direct dependents both to encourage involvement and to create a clear and honest social contract, since the hierarchy implicit in non-collective members living in the collective can not be avoided.

At their primary caregivers option a dependent may be allocated up to 8 hours of collective labor per week. Limits on types of work delegable to dependents are set by the collective and by each dependents primary caregiver. Each dependents primary care giver is responsible to the collective to make sure that their dependent is being held responsible to contribute if they are able.

The spreading out of dependents equalizes the extent to which having dependants is, in effect, extra labor, and breaks down hereditary cliques which may form if a large family joins a collective.

The maintenance of a work/live environment requires that space and work time be allocated to the watching of children and other care activities to allow the reasonable functioning of work space activities.

Domestic Partners

In many cases, such as children and elder dependents the structure of dependency is clear. We have to address the situation in which a dependent is a domestic partner, but not a member of the collective. Since in the collective structure there is no extra domestic sphere work, and since dependents can't have dependents a domestic partner would need to have an outside job, which is problematic in its interface with our local non-monetary economy.

AnarCorp does not allow dependents who are capable of being active members of the collective. We only take couples or groups as a whole in the initial selection process. Romantic Partners are given no preferential treatment over any other non-resident.


Consensus -(N+N)

A system of modified consensus. While in standard consensus any single member may block a decision, this is considered ineffective in an environment which may include political intervention and saboteurs. The modification requires that a group the size of N, which is some percentage of the voting body, we use %10 rounded up, this group referred to as -N, be dissatisfied in order to initiate a veto. Once a veto is initiated the blocking body will again explain its principled objection to the motion in an attempt to convince at least N more people that their objection is valid, and not an attempt to undermine consensus structure or procedure. The Second group (+N) need not hold the objection of -N, but simply agree that -N has a valid principled basis for its block. A veto vote requires that at least 2*N persons believe that a valid principled objection exist weather they object on those grounds or not.


The practice of not consuming animal products, it often focuses on food products. For our purposes veganism should be taken to mean the banning of all animal products including leather, gelatin, manure, lard or bone char or meal as industrial or agricultural inputs or any other use of animals or their biological production. Single cellular life forms are generally, and possibly unavoidably, not considered as animals for the practical application of this principle, though they may taxonomically be classified as such.


An AnarCorp employee, apprentice or teacher, who is active in the collective in question.


A dependant of the collective in question, usually, but not necessarily, a dependent of a local member.


A member or dependent who resides in the collective in question.

Page maintained by AnarCorp, last updated Oct 20 2003
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