As AnarCorp is an openly anarco-socialist organization it needs to define procedures for the sharing of AnarCorp property with non-members.
It is a common feature of anarchists that we do not deny the use of available facilities to others. This often results in internal conflicts where one is abusing others or common property, but can continue to do so with the argument that they have the right to do what they want, and that any attempt to assert the contrary is hierarchal or oppressive.
AnarCorp's very clear concept of what constitutes oppression places irresponsibility high on the list. The "I can do what i want" argument holds no water. AnarCorp while acknowledging the basic rights to not be oppressed or violated does not extend this principle to the extent that we allow ourselves to be violated as a consequence, allowing our comrades to oppress or take advantage of us is just as much a contribution to oppression as taking advantage of them.
AnarCorp property is expressly for the use of AnarCorp members. Non members who are not dependants may be granted use of the facilities of an AnarCorp collective for a specified limited time. AnarCorp does not provide any living service to non-members for more then two days a week, and does not provide any service if any member objects, this objection process is anonymous.
AnarCorp members from other collectives are delegated space and resources as a consequence of their local work, if their presence is not due to a local work assignment they may be extended up to two weeks living services a month, with any objection being openly made to the collective, with the "guest" not present. It is a serious issue if a visiting AnarCorp member displays behavior which is grounds to bar them and a report is made to their collective.
When AnarCorp has extra this is explicitly directed into AnarCorp or member projects, we do not donate or contribute to outside organizations, though we do share resources between collectives. If somebody wants to be a beneficiary of AnarCorp surplus they need to form an AnarCorp compliant collective and join AnarCorp.